Maps Included in this Bundle
When you purchase the Creative Thinker Bundle you receive access to all the maps listed below. Adding this bundle to your shopping cart automatically adds these maps into your cart at the discounted bundle price. You will therefore receive access to all digital downloadable files associated with each map with your bundle purchase.
For more information about the maps included within this bundle, please click through to the individual product pages.
Common Thinking Errors
Effective Thinker ( × 1 )
From:$7.00The Common Thinking Errors IQ Matrix explores some common thinking flaws that many of us tend to indulge in every single day. These errors in thinking lead to poor choices and decisions that often lead us down a less than optimal path. Overcoming these thinking errors of course won’t be easy as they are deeply ingrained into our psyche. They are now habitual patterns of thinking that we just tend to indulge in without questioning whether or not they serve us in the moment. And yet, awareness of these thinking patterns is always the first step towards permanent change. This IQ Matrix will help you become aware of these thinking errors, which will subsequently lead you down the path of self-transformation.
Who is this map for?
- Anyone who tends to sabotage their progress with poor thinking habits.
- Anyone who would like to become more aware of their thought patterns.
- Anyone who is interested to learn more about common thinking errors.
Richard W. Paul
Critical thinking is thinking about your thinking while you’re thinking in order to make your thinking better.
A Curious Nature
Effective Thinker ( × 1 )
From:$7.00The Curious Nature IQ Matrix will give you a glimpse into the incredible power of curiosity and the extraordinary impact that it can have on your life. The mind map explores how curiosity is the starting point of every great achievement; breaks down the advantages of cultivating a curious nature; presents you with questions that will spark your curiosity, and much more.
Who is this map for?
- Anyone who would like to approach life with a childlike nature.
- Anyone who wants to learn what it takes to develop a curious nature.
- Anyone who would like to overcome life’s challenges more effectively.
Eleanor Roosevelt
I think , at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity.
Six Thinking Hats
Effective Thinker ( × 1 )
From:$7.00The Six Thinking Hats IQ Matrix will help you to think more effectively, critically and creatively about life’s problems and circumstances using the six thinking hats process originally created by Edward de Bono. Each branch of this mind map explores one of the six thinking hats that approaches the problem under question from a slightly different angle and perspective.
Who is this map for?
- Anyone who would like to think more effectively about their problems.
- Anyone who would like a more structured approach to problem solving.
- Anyone who wants to learn more about how to use the six thinking hats.
Stanley Arnold
Every problem contains within itself the seeds of its own solution.
Becoming a Better Creative Thinker
Effective Thinker, IQ Doodle ( × 1 )
From:$2.00The Becoming a Better Creative Thinker IQ Doodle breaks down six key guidelines for helping you become a better creative thinker. These six ideas will encourage you to tackle your problems in a more creative, flexible and optimal way.
Use this IQ Doodle as a desktop background or print it out and hang it up on your wall, fridge, bathroom mirror, or next to your desk at work. This will help keep these ideas at the forefront of your mind at all times. Awareness is after all the first step to change, and optimal habits-of-mind are developed only through repeated exposure to these ideas.
An Experimental Approach to Problem Solving
IQ Doodle, Lifetime Achiever ( × 1 )
From:$2.00The Experimental Approach to Problem Solving IQ Doodle outlines a six step process you can follow to help you solve problems far more effectively. The IQ Doodle will challenge you to tackle your problems as a scientist would in a lab.
Use this IQ Doodle as a desktop background or print it out and hang it up on your wall, fridge, bathroom mirror, or next to your desk at work. This will help keep these ideas at the forefront of your mind at all times. Awareness is after all the first step to change, and optimal habits-of-mind are developed only through repeated exposure to these ideas.
Life is an Experiment
Lifetime Achiever ( × 1 )
From:$7.00The Life is an Experiment IQ Matrix will help you to take a more experimental and practical approach to life, to living, and to achieving your goals and objectives. Gone are the days where you are overcome emotionally with poor results and outcomes. Instead, you will now come to fully appreciate your mistakes and failures because they provide you with clues to help you make smarter decisions moving forward. In fact, through trial and error you will discover what works and/or doesn’t work. This will provide you with clarity of mind and allow you to make the most of every problem and opportunity life presents you with.
Who is this map for?
- Anyone who doesn’t cope well when faced with failure or mistakes.
- Anyone who is currently facing a great deal of adversity in life.
- Anyone who wants to optimize how they think about life’s problems.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
All of life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.
Solve Problems Using the Six Thinking Hats
Effective Thinker, IQ Doodle ( × 1 )
From:$2.00The Solve Problems Using the Six Thinking Hats IQ Doodle outlines how to solve your life and business problems far more effectively and creatively using Edward de Bono’s clever six thinking hats method.
Use this IQ Doodle as a desktop background or print it out and hang it up on your wall, fridge, bathroom mirror, or next to your desk at work. This will help keep these ideas at the forefront of your mind at all times. Awareness is after all the first step to change, and optimal habits-of-mind are developed only through repeated exposure to these ideas.
Creative Thinking
Effective Thinker ( × 1 )
From:$7.00The Creative Thinking IQ Matrix will help you to think more creatively and flexibly about your life’s problems and circumstances. It will help push the boundaries of what’s possible while stretching your ability to adapt your thinking to changing conditions and circumstances. The mind map delves into a number of creative thinking techniques, roadblocks to creative thought, and more.
Who is this map for?
- Anyone who struggles to think creatively using their imagination.
- Anyone who would like to improve their creative thinking skills.
- Anyone who wants to know what’s involved in the creative thinking process.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.
Acting on Inspiration
Lifetime Achiever ( × 1 )
From:$7.00The Acting on Inspiration IQ Matrix explores how to find the inspiration you need to take positive action towards the attainment of your goals and objectives. While this map is built upon the topic of “inspiration”, it’s important not to get lost in trying to find endless sources inspiration. Sometimes we want to find inspiration so badly that we forget about the fact that inspiration often comes as a result of action. When you take action towards a certain outcome, that is when you are likely to gain the necessary insights you need to make a breakthrough. Therefore, even though this map is about inspiration, it’s important to remember that inspiration is only one part of the puzzle, and probably not the most important part.
Who is this map for?
- Anyone who is feeling stuck and needs inspiration to get unstuck.
- Anyone who has a goal but is lacking the inspiration to pursue it.
- Anyone who would like to understand what it takes to consistently stay inspired.
Pablo Picasso
Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working.
Ultimate Brainstorming
Career Success ( × 1 )
From:$7.00The Ultimate Brainstorming IQ Matrix delves into the process of brainstorming to help solve organization-wide problems. The map specifically breaks down the process of group brainstorming within a workshop environment. Brainstorming is one of those critical activities that is often overlooked and can save a company an ample amount of time, money and resources when solving problems and/or before undertaking new initiatives. Not only does it provide value to the company as a whole, but it is also of great value to each employee who partakes in the brainstorming sessions.
Who is this map for?
- Anyone who would like to utilize brainstorming in a work/team environment.
- Anyone who is interested in learning how the brainstorming process works.
- Anyone who wants to use brainstorming to help generate creative ideas.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than the one where they sprang up.
Re-Imagine Idea
Effective Thinker ( × 1 )
From:$7.00The Re-Imagine Idea IQ Matrix is the third of a series of five comprehensive maps that delve into the intricacies of solving life’s most difficult problems. The third map delves into the brainstorming and creative thinking process that will help you to explore a variety of possible solutions to the problem you are facing. The mind map will help you to think creatively.
Who is this series of 5 maps for?
- Anyone who is dealing with problems that require creative solutions.
- Anyone who is searching for an innovative approach to problem solving.
- Anyone who needs a step-by-step outline for implementing an idea.
Dr. Seuss
Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try.
360 Degree Thinking
Effective Thinker ( × 1 )
From:$7.00The 360 Degree Thinking IQ Matrix will help improve your ability to think from a 360 degree view of your problems, life and circumstances. This IQ Matrix breaks down how to develop the habit of using hindsight, foresight and insight on a daily basis to help improve your ability to make decisions and solve problems far more effectively.
Who is this map for?
- Anyone who wants to discover what it takes to make more effective decisions.
- Anyone wants to optimize how they think about their life and circumstances.
- Anyone who desires to become a better problem solver and critical thinker.
No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.
Stimulating Imagination
Effective Thinker ( × 1 )
From:$7.00The Stimulating Imagination IQ Matrix will help you to become a more creative and flexible thinker when it comes to solving the problems that life keeps sending your way. Not only will this map help you to generate creative ideas, it will also help free you from the rigid thinking process that most of us tend to indulge in when confronting life’s daily challenges.
Who is this map for?
- Anyone who would like to learn how to think more flexibly and creatively.
- Anyone who would like to become a better problem solver.
- Anyone who feels as though they lack imagination.
Duane Michals
Trust that little voice in your head that says “Wouldn’t it be interesting if…” And then do it.
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